SLAE64: Assignment 3 – Egg Hunter

This is the third assignment for the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification, it consists in the demonstration of my own implementation of an Egg Hunter that works with different payloads.

An Egg Hunter is a piece of code that will search for specific pattern, called the ‘egg’, in memory in order to find it’s address which usually prepends another injected payload containing the actual shellcode.

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SLAE64: Assignment 2 – Reverse TCP Shell

This is the second assignment for the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification, it consists in the creation of a password protected reverse shell.

A reverse shell is similar to a bind shell but instead of waiting passively for remote connections, it actively connects to a specified IP address and redirects STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR to that socket.

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SLAE64: Assignment 1 – Bind TCP Shell with password

I’ve been taking the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification, this is the first assignment, the creation, in assembly, of a password protected bind shell.

A bind shell is essentially an open port on a machine that has STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR redirected to an inbound socket. It gets the name from the bind() system call which is a necessary step for listening on a port.

Continue reading SLAE64: Assignment 1 – Bind TCP Shell with password