LGE-500 Hackintosh

I always wanted to give Apple’s OsX a test-drive, it always appealed to me as the best looking Operating System out there but i would never throw away all that money without first giving it a real test-drive. When some of my colleagues got their hands on their macbooks and started bragging about how great it was, making fun about everyone else at the office, i decided i really had to give it a try. I had already heard several stories about people successfully installing OsX on regular PC’s and since i couldn’t really spend the bucks to get the real thing i had to give it a try.

I started by googling around looking for a bit more information on the subject and was amazed at the ammount of available information on this subject. I learned about an installation disk by the name of iatkos v7 with lot’s of good reviews so i got it, burned it to a dvd and booted up the computer.

My first attempt failed miserably, the Apple logo came up with a loading animated circle and the computer simply restarted. I booted on my Linux partition and googled around and found that some machines had problems with the installer due to the multiprocessing, the solution was to disable multiprocessing on the bios or to add a boot parameter to the installer


Using «Disk Utility», a program on the installer that can be accessed through the «Utilities» menu, i managed to erase a partition on my machine setting it up to HFS filesystem (Mac journaled).

Even though the plain install managed to work the first time i noticed my screen resolution was a bit low so i decided to install it again, this time customizing the installation a little. So finally i came to this setup which is currently the one i’ve been using for the last week or so. It’s basically the default setup with the additions:

…. VGA
……… nVidia
………….. EFI String for nVidia
………………. VGA/DVI
……… Enablers
………….. nvEnabler
…. System
……… Intel Speedstep (ALL 2 subchildren)
……… Sound
………….. Voodoo HDA driver
……… PS/2 mouse/keyboard
………….. Voodoo PS/2 keyboard
……… Laptop battery
……… NTFS-3G
…. Portuguese
……… Portuguese (Portugal)

And that’s it, with these options everything is working great so far, apart from my wifi not being detected, which i solved by purchasing a USB wifi (Sitecom WL-608, got the OsX drivers from the manufacturer) and the fact that my graphics card (nVidia 8400M G) apparently doesn’t support Quartz Extreme nor Core Image.


I had to reinstall the system and tried a bit different configuration. Attempted the same configuration from top but:

Replaced VoodooPS2 for the ApplePS2
The touchpad worked but not the side scroll, after a bit of tweaking it now works perfectly. I had to into edit /System/Library/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext/Contents/Plugins/ApplePS2Trackpad.kext/Contents/Info.plist and replaced the lines


So all i had to do was erase the ‘Apple’ string prefix from two places. Rebooted and voilá my touchpad had scrolling again.

Replaced VoodooHDA for AppleHDA
This didn’t crash the machine but i had no sound at all, maybe if i edit some file inside the kext it will work but for now i just moved back to old VoodooHDA.

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